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Mission statement

Excellence in Agricultural Education, Research and Extension for Sustainable Agricultural Development and Livelihood security of farming community

Mandate of the institution

  • To offer four year degree programmes,Viz.B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering) and B.Tech. (Food Technology).
  • To offer two year post graduate programme M.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering) with specialization in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Farm Machinery and Power Engineering and Processing and Food Engineering.
  • To offer doctoral degree programme PhD(Agriculltural Engineering)  with specialization in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Farm Machinery and Power Engineering and Processing and Food Engineering.
  • To conduct research and perform extension activities in the relevant fields of Agricultural Engineering.


  • An institution of higher learning in Agricultural Engineering having national and international reputation
  • Research and development of agricultural technologies useful at local, regional and national levels
  • Collaboration with reputed international Institutions in Agricultural Engineering in Research and Development of agricultural Technologies
  • Development of novel and effective extension programs
  • Promotion of Agricultural Engineering as a profession


The objectives of Kerala Agricultural University, as stated in the KAU Act, are: Imparting of Education, Advancement of Learning, Promoting Research and Undertaking Extension Education Programs in Agriculture and allied subjects, including Agricultural Engineering.

Future goals and objectives

  • Develop as an institution  of higher  learning  in Agricultural  Engineering with national  and international reputation
  • Research and development of  agricultural technologies useful at local, regional and national levels
  • Collaboration with reputed international Institutions in research and development of   agricultural technologies
  • Upgrading   agricultural and food engineering education by incorporating artificial intelligence, machine learning,  internet – of- things, advanced robotics and UAVs, geo special technologies  to meet the future challenges in agriculture and food technology
  • Strengthening academic and research in core and specialised areas by incorporating  academic programmes in mainstream and specialized branches of engineering



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Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Food Technology
Kerala Agricultural University
Tavanur P.O
Malappuram District Kerala 679573