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The College has a NSS Unit. Majority of the students of the college are members of NSS. Director of Extension is the Chief Co-ordinator of this programme. College has one Programme Officer to supervise the NSS activities. Several social service activities such as medical camp, eye care camp, blood donation campaign, laying out of kitchen gardens and roads in socially backward areas, cleaning of hospital premises etc. are organised by NSS Units. The other activities of the Unit include organizing workshops on subjects of topical interest, vaccination camps, charitable relief work, anti-rabbis camp, pulse polio immunization programmes, exhibition and role of Gandhian literature etc. In order to make aware the importance of ecosystem in human life, the NSS Unit of KCAET has started a wall magazine called ECO-Pulse. This College is declared a plastic free campus and students are educated to make the campus plastic free. A ten-day field camp was organised for the members of NSS at Waynad. During this period, they live in villages and worked for the development of the village, on a specific theme.


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Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Food Technology
Kerala Agricultural University
Tavanur P.O
Malappuram District Kerala 679573