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Academic Administration

The Head of a faculty is the Dean who, as per the KAU Act, is one of the Officers of the University and is appointed by direct recruitment for a period of five years. The Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology is also the head of KCAET. The details of the Academic Programmes are available in the KAU Academic Handbook.

B. Tech. (Agricultural Engineering)

  1. Programmes offered with duration: Four years, 50 students
  2. Eligibility for admission: Plus two with mathematics, physics and chemistry with a minimum of 50% marks.
  3. Mode of admission: Rank list for admission is prepared by the State Entrance Examination Commissioner by conducting an entrance test.10% seats are filled by ICAR.
  4. Academic regulations (Minimum requirement of marks to pass): 4.0/10 separate minimum in both practical and theory, 5.0/10 combined GP for a course and 5.5/10 OGPA for the completion of the programme.
  5. Evaluation & grading: 50% internal and 50% external for theory credit, and 100% internal for practical credit.
  6. Collaborative programmes: 50% internal and 50% external for theory credit 100% internal for practical credit.
  7. Basis for starting and closing of educational institutions, programmes, centres and departments: Only Government of Kerala holidays are applicable to College / Departments.
  8. Accomplishment & challenges: Only Government of Kerala holidays are applicable to College / Departments.
  9. Detailed Curricula and Syllabi PDF


B. Tech. (Food Technology)

  • Programmes offered with duration: Four years, 30 students
  • Eligibility for admission: Plus two with mathematics, physics and chemistry with a minimum of 50% marks.
  • Mode of admission: Rank list for admission is prepared by the State Entrance Examination Commissioner by conducting an entrance test.
  • Academic regulations (Minimum requirement of marks to pass): 4.0/10 separate minimum in both practical and theory, 5.0/10 combined GP for a course and 5.5/10 OGPA for the completion of the programme.
  • Evaluation & grading: 50% internal and 50% external for theory credit, and 100% internal for practical credit.
  • Collaborative programmes: 50% internal and 50% external for theory credit 100% internal for practical credit.
  • Basis for starting and closing of educational institutions, programmes, centres and departments: Only Government of Kerala holidays are applicable to College / Departments.
  • Accomplishment & challenges: Only Government of Kerala holidays are applicable to College / Departments.
  • Detailed Curricula and Syllabi PDF

M. Tech. (Agricultural Engineering)

  • Programmes offered with duration: Two years – Farm Machinery and Power Engineering,  Processing & Food Engg, and Soil & Water Conservation Engineering.
  • Eligibility for admission: B.Tech(Agricultural Engineering)  with OGPA 7.0/10. B.Tech (Food Engineering) graduates are eligibel for M.Teh (Agrl. Engg.) in Processing & Food Engg.
  • Mode of admission: Rank list for admission is prepared based on entrance test conducted by KAU.
  • Academic regulations (Minimum requirement of marks to pass): 5.0/10 separate minimum in both practical and theory, 6.0/10 combined minimum for a course and 7.0/10 OGPA for the completion of the programme.
  • Evaluation & grading: 100% internal (for theory and practical credit)
  • Collaborative programmes: 20% internal and 80% external for theory credit 100% internal for practical credit and 0% external.
  • Basis for starting and closing of educational institutions, programmes, centres and departments: Only Government of Kerala holidays are applicable to College / Departments.
  • Accomplishment & challenges: Only Government of Kerala holidays are applicable to College / Departments.
  • Detailed Curricula and Syllabi PDF

Ph. D. (Agricultural Engineering)

  • Programmes offered with duration: Three years – Farm Power & Machinery, Agricultural Processing & Food Engg, and Soil & Water Engg. One researcher each.
  • Eligibility for admission: M. Tech. in Agricultural Engg with OGPA 7.0/10
  • Mode of admission: Interview
  • Collaborative programmes: 20% internal and 80% external for theory credit 100% internal for practical credit and 0% external.
  • Basis for starting and closing of educational institutions, programmes, centres and departments: Only Government of Kerala holidays are applicable to College / Departments.
  • Accomplishment & challenges: Only Government of Kerala holidays are applicable to College / Departments.


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Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Food Technology
Kerala Agricultural University
Tavanur P.O
Malappuram District Kerala 679573